The Cold War has many aspects, connecting the Space Race, the Korean War, and the Vietnamese War with athletics especially in the Olympics.  The Cold War was not a war fought primarily on a battlefield, but fought through social and political disputes.  These disputes lasted years and throughout those years the competition was great. 

The Olympic competition also became an opportunity for groups to gain media attention, for example the Black September attacks of 1872.

Stakes were high for the young athletes training to represent their nations in the fight for either communism or democracy.  In the western bloc nations training would be intense and would begin at a young age, for example Nadia Comaneci was a Romainian Gold medal winning gymnast began her Olympic training at the age of six. 

"I have few turning points, the day I entered a gymnastics school at the age of 6."  ~Nadia Comaneci

With Olympic victory, either in the overall medal count or in individual performances, shows the strength and ability of a nation to produce such amazing athletes.

Nadia Comaneci was the first to receive a perfect ten in the Olympic gymnastics competion. Her first perfect ten was in the 1976 Olympics.  She begun training at age six. 

The true spirit of the Olympics showed through her performance.  She had the support of spectators around the world.  Even the "western enemy" loved her and wanted her to succeed.